How the 20 year old co-creator of CleanShot learned to code

Screenshot of CleanShot app

Luke Oslizlo talks learning to code without going to college and by making Mac OS design tools CleanShot and PixelSnap. I chatted with him over Telegram to discuss how he taught himself to code, tips for newbies and how he creates apps with his friend.

Can you give us a brief introduction ?

Hey! I'm a 20 year old developer living in Poland. Last year I finished high school and that was the end of my formal education. Together with a friend I run a company making macOS apps like PixelSnap or CleanShot.

Since you're 20, how did you get into coding so quickly?

I started pretty early! If I recall correctly, my journey with coding began when I was 11 years old. I was always fascinated with computers and how it all works and I guess it was a natural step for me to start with some simple HTML coding. So I started reading some online tutorials about it and I was just having fun while doing my first websites (to be honest, super ugly 😂).

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